¿Cómo duermo durante una ola de calor? - BeZen Mattress & Health

How do I sleep during a heat wave?

How do I sleep during a heat wave?

One answer to this question is concise and to the point: I sleep poorly. 

Experts point out that the best temperatures for falling asleep range between 18ºC and 22ºC: any temperature above or below this range causes sleep problems, but it is not always possible to sleep in these optimal conditions.

The real question is, how can I get a good night's sleep during a heat wave?

Hydrate and have a light dinner

Hydration is the key to staying in shape and with good regulation of body temperature. During heat waves it is vitally important not to neglect your hydration: try to drink a lot of water throughout the day and also before going to sleep (although in smaller quantities to avoid waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom).

As for other drinks, it is best to avoid alcohol and caffeine. The first can cause faster dehydration and the second hinders falling asleep.

Do not dine in large quantities: large dinners require greater effort for the body to digest, which will inevitably increase body temperature and cause overheating that makes rest difficult. The best foods for dinner are those with large amounts of water, such as fruits and vegetables.

Of course, don't forget to go to the bathroom before going to sleep to avoid nighttime awakenings and keep a glass of water on your bedside table in case you get thirsty at midnight.

Keep your room cool

Starting in the morning, it is important to lower the blinds and close the curtains as much as possible (in the event that natural light is needed for a specific task) or completely so that the heat of the sun does not enter. .

If air conditioning is available in the rooms, prepare your room just before going to sleep to have a favorable temperature for sleep. Sleeping with the air conditioning active is not recommended, as it can cause colds and dry throat and eyes. If it is used at night, it is better if it does not directly face the bed.

If you do not have air conditioning, you can open the windows before going to sleep to allow fresh air to pass through. Another good option is both ceiling and standing fans, since they are less aggressive than the cold air from air conditioners.

Have healthy sleeping habits

A series of good habits before sleeping is essential to falling asleep quickly and efficiently. To start, try to keep your sleep routines and schedules intact: alterations in these cause great difficulty sleeping, especially if our circadian rhythms are not respected. body.

When it's hotter, our body works harder to stay active, creating a greater feeling of sluggishness and lethargy. Naps are tempting, but avoid them as much as possible: take advantage of your tiredness for the night.

If every summer you have great difficulty sleeping due to hot flashes and night sweats, consider changing your mattress to one with a winter and summer side : these specialized mattresses (like our ViscoGel or our Everest ) have an exclusive side for summer, Composed of gel, which provides greater freshness to your rest.

The great enemies of melatonin (one of the most important sleep hormones) are light sources: turn off your devices long before going to sleep and relax your eyes in the darkness. Another option is relaxing activities such as reading and writing (for which only dim light is needed) or guided sleep exercises such as those provided by ASMR (relaxing sounds videos) or Mindfulness .


When the cricket sings, you don't need the blanket.

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